
Born in Lecco, Italy, on April 14th, 1980

Graduate: Medicine, University of Milan, Italy. Date July 27th, 2006


·  Speciality in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2007-2012, University of Milan, Italy

Present Occupation:

Adjunct professor, Orthopaedic Dept, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, chirurgiche ed odontoiatriche for University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano).

Orthopedic surgeon at Gaetano Pini hospital, Milano

Surgical Experience with more than 1.800 procedures, including mostly Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy, Total Knee, Hip, and Shoulder replacement.

Over 60 publications, including peer review journals, book chapters, and congress abstracts.

Reviewer of AJSM (American Journal of Sports Medicine), Reviewer and Editorial Board Member of KSSTA (Knee Surg. Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy), Associate Editor of Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Best reviewer award for KSSTA in 2020.

He was selected for the SIAGASCOT-GOTS fellowship in 2014, the ESSKA Osteotomy fellowship in 2018, and the EKA-ESSKA fellowship in 2019.

Member of the Under 45 committee of ESSKA, board member of EKA for social media, and chief of guidelines committee of SIAGASCOT.

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